Sunday, December 24, 2006

Weight Loss

I do not recommend this method of weight loss (sending your husband/best friend off to a war zone), but I'm so glad I'm losing the weight instead of gaining it. I was pretty miserable with myself just 10 months ago.

Do I feel better? Sure. There are lots of problems associated with the weight gain that I was dealing with this time last year that are now gone.

But the best part is being able to fit into my old clothes again. The cute jeans and tops fit again! Which means I'll actually be able to wear something I like when I get to pick hubby up from the airport when he returns for R&R! (This is my motivator!)

I'm not quite "there" yet, but I'm close.

If I could just get up off my arse and exercise, I'm sure this would be a breeze.


Linda said...

Wow! You've done a fantastic job on the weight loss so far! I've dropped 13 lbs, and have another 13 to go to be happy (and to fit into those pre-pregnancy things I managed to keep). But like you, I wouldn't recommend the reason behind your loss.

I've joined's been great to feel a bit more on the "fit" side again.

CopterDrsWife said...

Thank you, Linda!
13 lbs is great!! You're halfway there already! Keep up the great work!