Sunday, December 17, 2006

O' Christmas Tree...

Yeah, yeah.

Finally got the tree put up.

Thing 2 helped decorate.

Thing 1 sat in the recliner and tried to supervise.

Oh well. It's up.

Christmas without hubby sucks.

This is the first year we've ever gotten a fresh cut tree. I mean, ever. I mean, we walked through the forest and chose this tree and the guy cut it down for us.

(Yeah - the guy cut it down. Come on! Didja' really think I was gonna cut it down myself? Sheesh! Get real!)

It was a pretty neat thing to find here on "The Rock." I think the tree farm is a pretty well kept secret even though it's just a couple of miles outside of town.

Where else on earth would we have our Christmas tree cut down by a guy in shorts and slippas? (Flip Flops)

Wish you were here, honey. Wish you were here.

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