Friday, December 29, 2006

Saddam Executed

Saddam Hussein executed, state-run TV reports
BAGHDAD — Saddam Hussein, the brutal dictator who ruled Iraq for nearly a quarter-century before being toppled by a United States-led coalition in 2003, was executed by hanging Saturday for crimes against humanity, state-run Iraqi television reported.
Al-Iraqiya, a government-backed network in Baghdad, said Hussein was executed by hanging at dawn Saturday.

I got goosebumps when I heard about this today.
I've always been for capital punishment for murderers.
I'm glad he is no longer in a position where he can terrorize and murder the people of Iraq. I don't feel sorry for him one bit.
So I'm not sure why the goosebumps...
Death by hanging, maybe?

How do you feel about this?

1 comment:

Linda said...

A possible change in the future of Iraq? The potential for more (or less) killing to occur because of Saddam's death?

It's scary to think of people we know there fighting a war that has no end. As long as the Iraqi government can not stand up to the insurgency, we have our hands full.

I saw someone I knew on the O'Reilly Factor - blew me away. I knew he was there, but to see him talking on TV...just hits home.

Continuing in prayer for your hubby to be safe.