Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Forecast


Today's forecast: Breezy, south winds up to 25 mph. Partly sunny day turning into partly cloudy night. Scattered windward and mountain showers.
Tomorrow: Breezy and mostly cloudy. Scattered showers, with southwest winds up to 25 mph.

Which, of course, is just what I need (insert sarcasm, since that is what I'm best at these days) since half of my roof is laying in my front yard.

I'm just sayin...

Because yesterday?...

It was almost like hurricane weather here. Well, not quite, but you know what I mean...

Oh... and of course, roofers don't work in the rain...

Go figure.


Jill Army said...

okay you can come out of hiding now...Jack Army has forced me to start blogging more. If I can do it so can you. :) I am missing your funny stories.

Linda said...

oy! this stinks for you! Can you get up there with a tarp and some nails real quick????

If I lived in Hawaii, I'd be there to help you do that!