Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I hope you're getting off to a great start in 2007!

This is the year that Hubby comes home! :-D

To be honest, I'm having a hard time getting motivated to do anything lately. My greatest accomplishment was to get that damn tree outta' the house.

I just feel so 'blah!' I'd like to chalk it up to the post-Christmas blues, but since it actually started BEFORE the holidays, I don't think that'll fly.

I have lots to do over the next couple of months... projects that need to be finished (or started, in some cases). What I really feel like doing, though, is just crawling into bed and staying there for 6 1/2 more months.

I made no "resolutions" this New Year. It's taken me this many years, but I've finally realized that I'm just no good with them. If I'm going to make a promise to make some sort of change in my life, then it's something that's going to have to be on-going and not dependent on the calendar, but on something from within myself to make it happen. Are there things I'd like to change about myself this year? Absolutely! But I won't name it a "New Year's Resolution" in order to try to make it happen.

I'd love to say that 2007 will be a better year. I think it's all in the attitude. There are too many things that are out of my control to ensure a better year (I'm an Army wife, I know all about lack of control in my life!) but a positive outlook and hope and a lot of faith will see us through.

Here's to a bright new year with a safe return for our troops!

1 comment:

Linda said...

safe return indeed.

That's a gorgeous picture, by the way!