Sunday, October 08, 2006


Okay. I have not fallen off the face of the earth!

I'm sorry I haven't updated the blog in a little while. I just haven't been able to write. It's been busy and stressful and hard to string two coherent sentences together for the purpose of this blog. The kids are fine. Mom is doing ok. The 'volunteer work' is tough. If you know me, you know what I do, so you can imagine at least a tiny bit of what I'm dealing with right now. I'm not getting a lot of sleep and this headache I've had since hubby left... well, I'm going to the doctor again this week, I promise. A positive side effect? I've lost a lot of weight since July! :) Please bear with me while I try to get through this time.

It's "Autumn" for most of the U.S. now. Here in paradise, however, temperatures haven't changed much. Everything is still as green and lush as ever! We could go to the beach almost every day if we wanted to, I'm sure.

It is October, though, and I've been looking forward to putting up the Halloween decorations for weeks! :) I went to the commissary the other day and found racks and racks of pumpkin carving kits... and NO PUMPKINS. Ummm. Oookaaayy? I *almost* bought a pineapple or a watermelon to carve instead... You know, "When in Rome..." Or, should I say, "When in Paradise..."

After the big m-o-v-e in August, when the box of Halloween decorations was moved from the old garage to the new one, I remembered to keep it to the side and not bury it under the boxes of Christmas decorations so it would be accessible when October finally rolled around. (I still can't believe I actually remembered to do this!)

So, the other day, with the help of Thing 1 (17 year old) and Thing 2 (10 year old), we put up a few Halloween decorations.

We've never done this without hubby's help before, so this is a BIG thing.


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