Sunday, October 22, 2006

Creepy Crawlies

Hawaii is supposed to be "Paradise" but they don't ever mention all of the wonderful creatures you get to share this island paradise with...

Such as gargantuan, flying cockroaches, geckos by the truckloads, and these NASTY poisonous centipedes that sting the crap out of you. I'm scared to death of them!!

Last month, I found one in my dining room by sheer accident. It was about 2 inches from my bare foot when I spotted it and my kids nearly had to peel me off the ceiling when they came running into the room at midnight to find out why their mother was screaming at the top of her lungs. I couldn't speak or think. I could only point. At. The. Twelve. Inch. Long. Centipede. Of course, then they started screaming and were climbing the walls right along with me.

Quite a scene.

You can be sure that bright and early the next morning, I was on the phone scheduling an appointment with an exterminator.

Tonight? Folding laundry... Minding my own business... I pull out the last item of clothing from the dryer and what do I see there in the bottom, dried up and dead? ANOTHER CENTIPEDE!

Where did he come from? Did he find his way into the dryer and die there? Or was he in the washer and I [BLECH!] transferred him to the dryer when I put my clothes in there? OR... Was he in the pile of dirty laundry that I [SHIVER] picked up and carried from the bathroom and then put into the washer?

Either way you look at it... I'm freaked out now. It looks like I'll be making another appointment with the exterminators.

FYI... Centipedes do not respond to RAID. You can douse them with it. You can create a virtual swimming pool around them with it. It will not faze them.

Oh. And yes, they are very fast.

And... they can climb walls.

I know this now.

Honey? Can you come home now?

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